You rolled a ten
You rolled a ten
Mango mango!
it was fantastic, but after 45 mins of seeing it i just realised it was a loop! XD
keep on making good stuff, it really is great.
Lucky seven
That was fun to see, the idea was clever, the plot was simple and clever, but what is going on when you try to pass to your teammate? apart from that this was great.
It was Awesome, and the easter egg was funny also
Great work.
It was A great Song,
normally loop songs get annoying and irritating when they
are repeated over and over again but this one is fun to listen to for hours!
it deserves a solid ten. easily better than knox, it rules! keep the work up.
Well done
i liked it a lot, very clever, and isn't annoying to listen too over and over again
it's great!
Well done
That was a great cartoon, is it a series? if so, where can i get it?
Fcking gross....
Fcking gross, Where can i find more of this stuff? Hail to the porn king
i give it a ten
( it was a nien.
Age 27, Male
Freelance Graph Des
SDC, Lewes
Lost, wolves are comi-AGH
Joined on 5/17/08